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Yoga For Busy People - Why Yoga Breathing Exercises Are Good For You

When was the last time you felt alert, connected and in the flow?

Did you wake up this morning buzzing with energy, clear, confident and certain of your day ahead? Or did you lie in bed, tired, heavy and exhausted from another round of sleepless nights?

Chances are, if your life is anything like mine, there are days when you feel run down, lack energy and worry about the multiply pressures on your time. Juggling the demands of parenting, working full, part-time or even running your own home-based business can leave you feeling weak, weary and on occasions worthless.

Do you feel no matter how hard you try, nothing gets done. The house stills looks untidy, your email in box is overflowing and you have given up trying to get into shape as you spend most of your day snacking on fast-foods, biscuits and drinking fizzy drinks.

This is no way to live.

You are an ambitious, attractive vibrant woman. You have dreams and goals you wish to follow for yourself and your family; yet somehow, you have lost your zest and enthusiasm for success.
When you feel all wound up and life passing you by, this is the ideal opportunity to look at the way you are breathing, to check your breathing pattern and to use yoga breathing exercises to help you cut overwhelm, worry and regain your sparkle.

What Are Yoga Breathing Exercises?

Yoga breathing exercises are ideal to help replenish your energy, restore concentration and reenergize your spirits when things are getting on top of you.

If you look around your work place or see people you know, you will notice that many people do not breathe fully, they are short breath, breathe heavily, take gasping breaths when they speak or constantly yawn as trying to draw in fresh oxygen into their bodies.

What Is Your Breathing Pattern

There are two main types of breathing patterns. Which one are you?
  1. Chest/ thoracic breathing
  2.  Abdominal/ diaphragmatic breathing

Chest/Thoracic Breathing

This type of breathing is shallow, irregular and rapid. It is often associated with stress, anxiety or other forms of emotional worry.

In this type of breathing, instead of using your full breathing apparatus you breathe from your chest and lift/raise your shoulders to help you take in air. If you are going through a particularly emotional challenge or even working on a demanding project, you may "forget to breathe" and end up compensating by breathing too quickly.

Negative Effects of Chest/thoracic Breathing.

Prolong periods of shallow breathing means you fail to take in enough oxygen and carbon dioxide builds up in the body. This leads to you feeling tired, light headed, short of breath and in some cases heart palpitations as there is insufficient oxygen been taken in to reach the brain and other parts of the body.

Abdominal or Diaphragmatic Breathing

Have you ever watched a new-born baby sleep and marveled at how deep and steady they breathe? That is the natural way to breathe. Slow steady and deep. When you breathe like this, you take in air deep into your lungs.

Diaphragmatic breathing is deeper and slower than chest breathing and leaves you feeling calmer, relaxed, empowered to see the glass as half full rather than half empty. It is a very efficient way to breathe as it enables the respiratory system to do its job properly to produce energy from oxygen and cut waste products.

Simple Yoga Breathing Exercise

In yoga and meditation we are taught to live in the present, to focus on a single thought, mantra or posture. If you apply this to your daily life, when you feel stuck, tired, overwhelmed and tired try this easy to do yoga breathing exercise:

1. Stop what you are doing

2. Take a slow steady deep breath in through your nose and slowly breathe out.
Do this 3-5 times and you will instantly feel calmer, clearer and more able to refocus and complete the task in hand.

As you can see, yoga breathing exercises are easy to do and once you learn how to breathe correctly, you can easily slip them into your everyday life.
If you wish to experience more calm and balance in your life ask your yoga teacher to teach you other types of breathing exercises which you can do at home or at work to instantly replenish, restore and rebalance your energy.

For more great tips on yoga, self care and relaxation you can visit my blog at
From: Ntathu Allen, Your Caring Yoga and Meditation Teacher

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