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Chakra Breathing Techniques

Before practicing chakra breathing techniques the first thing I teach is to bring awareness to the chakras. This is done by focusing ones attention on a chakra and simply noticing any feelings in the area of the energy center. This may include subtle sensory perceptions and feelings of warmth or tingling. By simply noticing what feelings are already there, in the area of the chakra, on is bringing the mind into connection with the body. By doing this one can begin to develop the ability to perceive subtle energy and prana.

After one gets a sense of bring attention and awareness to the energy centers we can begin with some simple breathing techniques to energize the chakras. The first breathing technique is what I call the 'Direct and Guide Method.' In this pranayama the in-breath is directed to one of the chakras. When we direct the in-breath to a chakra it becomes the energetic anchor that allows us to vitalize the body and concentrate the mind. The 'Direct and Guide Method' is a very simple and straightforward practice that helps to develop concentration while paving the way to deeper states of meditation.

The Direct and Guide Method

Bring awareness to any single chakra

Inhale and direct and guide the energy of the in-breath to the chakra

Exhale and allow awareness to settle into the chakra

The Direct and Guide technique can be done for any of the chakras but it should be practiced on one chakra at a time. With the inhalation focus on the chakra with pin-pointed attention and direct and guide the energy of the breath to the chakra. On exhalation allow your awareness to settle deeply and completely into any sensations that are present in the chakra. This may include feelings of warmth, tingling or subtle vibrations.

Horizontal Chakra Breathing

This technique aims at moving energy through and between the chakras. A basic technique for the third chakra is to breathe in through the navel and consciously direct the prana and awareness to the point on the spine opposite of the navel. Between the inhalation and exhalation, the breath can be retained while awareness is focused on the third chakra at the spine. On the exhalation feel the prana move from the point on the spine to the navel, as the exhalation proceeds continue by exhaling out of the navel.

Horizontal Chakra Breathing for the Navel

Breathe in through the navel while guiding the prana to the point opposite the navel on the spine.

After the inhalation hold the attention and prana at the point on the spine.
Exhale and feel the prana move forward from the point on the spine to the navel.

The previous exercise may be done for all the chakras except the root and crown chakras. Since the root chakra is located at the perineum, it is not possible to direct the prana from front to back with the inhalation in the same way that we can for each of the other chakras. However, we can do a similar technique by moving the prana from the perineum, to the coccyx at the tip of the spine. This movement of energy upwards is very common in more advanced chakra breathing techniques and is covered in great detail in my book Chakra-Jnana Yoga. For now lets take another look at the Horizontal Chakra Breathing Technique for the heart chakra.

Horizontal Chakra Breathing for the Heart

Breathe in through the center of the chest while guiding the energy of the breath to the opposite point on the spine.

After the inhalation hold the attention and prana at the heart chakra point on the spine.
Exhale and feel the energy move forward from the point on the spine and into the center of the chest. Notice the feeling of the heart chakra opening.

After practicing the Horizontal Chakra Breathing Technique it is good to advance to exercises that move the prana energy up and down the spine with the breath. These methods are considerably more advanced and are covered in great detail in my book Chakra-Jnana Yoga.

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